Welcome to the blog that I named Ten Ounce Cup after my 4lb chihuahua, Pepper. That is her picture, smelling the flowers that I placed before her in a 10 ounce juice cup. She was small but mighty and taught me so much about setting your mind on positive things. You can overcome any perceived disadvantage, if you just set your mind to focus on the positive. I hope that you enjoy this blog. It is a random assortment of topics with a positive focus. Some posts include videos. You learn so much about yourself when you write a blog or create videos for public or private viewing. I hope that you take away something of value. I have let this sit for more than a year and now it is time for me to revisit this idea of putting pen to paper or of putting finger tips to the keyboard… I think the phrase “pen to paper” is much more romantic, don’t you?

Donna Tlachac Donna Tlachac

Monet’s move to Abstraction

“Thus, around the turn of the century, the Realist myth was still going strong; “Artists insisted on working after reality, on representing reality- with the illusion of not transposing it”.

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